may be suffering in silence with
pruritus (CKD-aP)
On the surface, chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus is just an itch. But for patients living with CKD-associated Pruritus, the consequences are much more.1-6
Browse further to discover how CKD-associated Pruritus may be affecting your patients’ quality of life, mental health and even life expectancy.1–6
Still, there are times when my itching feels overpowering, when I say to myself it’s really terrible right now.”
– CKD-associated Pruritus patient on haemodialysis, Germany
I’m scratching all the time, you can’t help it. I can’t sleep at night because it’s there twenty-four hours a day.”
– CKD-associated Pruritus patient on haemodialysis, UK
“Sometimes i feel like i could just literally scratch myself to death”
– CKD-associated Pruritus patient on haemodialysis, Australia
The real challenge was to find the treatment that worked for me”
– CKD-associated Pruritus patient on haemodialysis, Australia
On the surface, chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus is just an itch. But for patients living with CKD-associated Pruritus, the consequences are much more.1-6
Browse further to discover how CKD-associated Pruritus may be affecting your patients’ quality of life, mental health and even life expectancy.1–6
Still, there are times when my itching feels overpowering, when I say to myself it’s really terrible right now.”
– CKD-associated Pruritus patient on haemodialysis, Germany
I’m scratching all the time, you can’t help it. I can’t sleep at night because it’s there twenty-four hours a day.”
– CKD-associated Pruritus patient on haemodialysis, UK
“Sometimes i feel like i could just literally scratch myself to death”
– CKD-associated Pruritus patient on haemodialysis, Australia
The real challenge was to find the treatment that worked for me”
– CKD-associated Pruritus patient on haemodialysis, Australia
- Ramakrishnan K, Bond TC, Claxton A, et al. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of end-stage renal disease patients with self-reported Pruritus symptoms. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis. (2013);7:1–12.
- Shirazian S, Aina O, Park Y, et al. Chronic kidney disease-associated Pruritus: impact on quality of life and current management challenges. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis. (2017);10:11–26.
- Tsai YC, Hung CC, Hwang SJ, et al. Quality of life predicts risks of end-stage renal disease and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant. (2010);25:1621–1626.
- Pisoni R, Wikström B, Elder S, et al. Pruritus in haemodialysis patients: international results from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS). Nephrol Dial Transplant. (2006);21:3495–3505.
- Narita I, Alchi B, Omori K, et al. Etiology and prognostic significance of severe uremic Pruritus in chronic hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. (2006);69(9):1626–1632.
- Sukul N, Karaboyas A, Csomor P, et al. Self-reported Pruritus and clinical, dialysis-related, and patient-reported outcomes in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Medicine. (2020);3(1):42–53.e1.
- Yosipovitch G, Zucker I, Boner G, et al. A questionnaire for the assessment of Pruritus: validation in uremic patients. Acta Derm Venereol. (2001);81:108–111.
- Millington G, Collins A, Lovell C, et al. British Association of Dermatologists’ guidelines for the investigation and management of generalized Pruritus in adults without an underlying dermatosis, 2018. Br J Dermatol. (2018);178(1):34–60.